Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hi everybody!!!!! it`s so many time I don`t writting in this blog, but is come again. this time I'm gonna talk about a country would I like to go to and It is ..... Bali, a small island in Indonesia. This year I travelled to India, I tell about it in a last post, and I was fascinated with the culture, food (It's soooo spicy๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…) and the ruins๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. For that trip I would like to go to all countries to Asia, but more specifically Bali because the culture is a mix of differents religions, for example the most people are muslim or the balinese dancers who are Hinduism. Also the temple's ruins are sooo beautiful or the natural parks in the island, in general I would like to go across all the island and learn about all. 
If I need to choose an alternative to live in Bali or study or work, I pick up all my things and take the frist  flight to the island. I don’t need think about it. And you What country would you like to go?It`s so far away of yur home or not?๐Ÿ˜ˆ Check you answer in the comments. See you later!!!๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. I really wanted to visit India, very good post. Regards

  2. I can't get indian food out of my mind after reading your post xD

  3. Spicy food scares me hahaha. I never looked into Bali, but I find it interesting now :)

  4. I think that Bali has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world ... judging only by photos hahahah I would love to visit Bali one day. I don't even know if it's cheap or expensive, I just know I want to go :) Nice choice.

  5. Your blog it´s very interesting, i want to read more of your adventures the next week ! XOXO <3


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