Post 8: Summer plans

Hi everybody!!!!! It is so much time. Today I wanna talk about my summer plans. This year we don’t have any strike and that is amazing!!!!!! Finally I will go out of the semester in December, not in January like ever.  
It is sooo much free time for me has a 3 months of holidays. I like to do everything!!!!! My plants are to go to see movies, shop in internet all things about the next semester, like notebooks, pens, pencils, technical pens of all the colours of the rainbow!!!!!. Maybe I will see series in Netflix, embroider stencil then I has bought in India (it’s an orchid), go out with my friends, and sleep a lot………… are so many things to do.
I would like to visit Torres Del Paine, I never see before. I have the plant to go to that place with my mom but I don’t have money of buy a ticket and my mommy has another money problems T.T. Maybe I will go out if my dad invite me to the beach or go to the countryside of Los Vilos or Talca, all depend who say him and if his mom helps him to paid the trip. I would like to do cycling (if I can) in that trip and I plans make so much exercise to go down my weight.
Also I thinking make my professional practice on a consultant if their choose me (I really hope that).

And what are U plants for this summer? 


  1. I love the picture! hahahah
    Enjoy the summertime ;)

  2. I lost it with the photo you posted.

  3. I also want meet Torres del Paine someday ! I hope you get it :)


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